Customers’ feelings about using quartz countertops

When choosing kitchen countertops, Mr Jack was confused between quartz countertops, stainless steel countertops, rock slab countertops, and marble countertops.

It happened that his neighbor was installing countertops at home, and the installer recommended quartz countertops to Jack. He said: You will know why I recommend it to you after you use it.

Jack have lived here for more than a year now, and I have indeed felt some of the benefits of quartz countertops, which is also his experience of using it for more than a year.

Quartz countertops are wear-resistant and will not be scratched.This is what I feel most deeply. Because a few times when I was cutting vegetables, the kitchen knife cut the quartz countertop, and found that there was almost no trace left.


Nowadays, the surface of quartz countertops has almost no fine pores. There were several times when soup was spilled on the countertop and it dried without me noticing. After it dried, it was cleaned with a wet rag easily.


During use, I often put the hot pot directly on the countertop, and even put the pot after cooking noodles directly on the countertop, and there was no problem.


The color of my quartz countertop is very consistent. It is basically the same color as the stone. And after using it for more than a year, there is no discoloration or fading. It still looks good overall.


Comparing the countertops made of rock slabs, stainless steel countertops and marble countertops, we found that the quartz countertops have the highest cost performance.



Post time: Oct-30-2024